Contact us

Customer service and billing

Office Open : Mon – Tue  9 – 15,   Thu  9 -15

029 70200 100
Fault service24 h 03 4126 717
Imbalance settlement Prodat-sanomat: 03 4126 755 or 044 738 6178
Cable lookup service 03 4126 730
Network Design › Mika Sulonen 03 4126 765
050 349 7297
Site Management › Niko Kasurinen 044 493 6424
Distribution Network Manager › Jyrki Tulander 03 4126 755
050 569 4934
CEO › Risto Lehtonen 044 738 6273

Street address: Paulinkatu 9, 30420 Forssa

Billing address: PL 110, 70080 ENFO  OVT code: 003722063600


Note: The English translations are meant to support the Finnish website. In all conflict situations, the Finnish website and its content are primary.