Products and Prices


Network connections

In order to join the electricity network, a written connection contract is needed. There is a separate fee for new connections.

The connection fee must be based on national guidelines that state that the price may vary between different districts. Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd has divided the operating area into two price districts:

  • City zoning area
  • Outside the city zoning area, the prices may vary depending on the distance to the existing network

Delivering the Electricity

Before the electricity can be delivered, a written contract detailing the product and the chosen method of measurement must be signed.

The prices of our products are formed by a standard fee (this includes a meter fee), an energy free and the electricity tax and VAT. Our biggest customers also have separate fees based on wattage and reactive power (see delivery prices).


Pricelist (pdf)
Delivery prices (pdf)


The detailed prices can be found below:


Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd’s service fees 1.3.2017 onward

    VAT 0% VAT 24%
Office fees
Certificate of electricity consumption  8,06 10,00
Finding out energy consumption, etc. €/h 42,50 52,70
Late payment interest (according to the penalty interest rates)      
Sending a reminder of payment 5,00  
Cutoff notification 10,00  
Work fees
Hourly pay during office hours €/h 42,50 52,70
Changing the main fuse during office hours (+equipment) €/h 42,50 52,70
changing the main fuse outside office hours (+equipment) €/h 85,00 105,40
Cable lookup service (Customer’s own cable) €/h 42,50 52,70
Work fees include transportation costs in Forssa city region.
Installations and connections
Interrupting the connection 50,00 62,00
Re-connecting to the network ** 50,00 62,00
Re-connecting to the network outside office hours 100,00 124,00
Connection within 5 working days from moving in* 10,00 12,40
Connection on the following day of moving in* 35,00 43,40
Connection on the same day as moving in* 50,00 62,00
Connection on the same day as moving in (outside office hours) 100,00 124,00
Connecting the connection cable to the main network 85,00 105,40
 * Connection during office hours
**  If the cutoff is due to unpaid bills, reconnection will be done if the bills are paid and a reconnection is requested before 1pm (13.00).
Installing a meter (tariff changes, modifications) 50 62,00
Inspecting a kWh-meter, when the meter gives correct measurements 72,58 90,00
Additional metering 1-v meter (installation is separate) 181,45 225,00
Additional metering 3-v meter (installation is separate) 213,71 265,00
Electricity quality metering* 42,50 50,00
Metering at the location 42,50 50,00
Specialised metering Ask for a quote
Temporary distribution boxes for constructions
Installment or removal of a temporary distribution box €/h 42,50 52,70
Renting a temporary 3x25A distribution box €/week 6,45 8,00
Renting a temporary 3x63A distribution box €/week 9,35 11,60
Renting a temporary 3x125A distribution box €/24h 2,42 3,00
Renting a temporary 3x250A distribution box €/24h 4,84 6,00
Lifting platform truck + driver (during office hours) €/h 88,00 109,12
Transportation fee (car) €/km 0,66 0,82
Transportation fee (Van) €/km 0,80 0,99
Transportation fee (truck) €/km 1,03 1,28
Metering fees
1-v kWh-metering, single-timed €/month 1,61 2,00
3-v kWh-metering, single-timed, straight €/month 2,58 3,20
1- and 3-v kWh-metering, multi-timed, straight €/month 2,58 3,20
3-v kWh-metering, (voltage transformer) €/month 8,83 10,95
3-v kWh-power metering, hourly power readings €/month 20,34 25,22
NB! Metering fees are included in the standard fees of our delivery products

Free-of-charge services:

  • Cable lookup service for the company’s cables
    (cable lookup for customer’s own cables is charged according to the price list)
  • Taking down a tree in the immediate proximity to power lines or wires

Connection fees in Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd’s distribution area from 1.1.2013 onwards

A fee based on this price list will be charged from connecting a property to the distribution network.
The fee will cover the costs of the distribution network to the point of connection. The point of connection will be defined in the connection contract.

CONNECTION FEES: (all prices include 24% VAT)

Low-voltage connections (230/400V)

Main fuse City zoning area
Other areas
District 2 (D2)
Other areas
District 3 (D3)
 3 x 25 A  1780 €  2670 €         *)
 3 x 35 A  2350 €  3530 €         *)
 3 x 50 A  3100 €  4650 €         *)
 3 x 63 A  3750 €  5620 €         *)
 3 x 80 A  5350 €  8010 €         *)
 3 x 100A  6520 €  9820 €         *)
 Over 100 A      65 €/A        *)         *)
3-phase 25A   350 €        *)         *)
   *) according to installation costs

District 1 prices are utilized in the city zoning area.

District 2 prices are utilized in areas outside the city zoning area, but less that 600 meters away from the closest transformer. If the size of the connection is over 100A, the price is determined by the final installation costs. The precondition of these prices is that the network can be built by using the standard structures and the land owners give their consent to the installation of the connection cable.

District 3 includes all areas outside districts 1 and 2, and the prices are determined by final installation costs (however, minimum price is determined by D1 prices).

High-voltage connections (20kV)

The connection fee is based on two components:

a + b x P


 a includes immediate connection costs and the costs of installing new possible connection cables, as well as other immediate costs (€).
 b b is a capacity allocation fee (€/kW), which also covers strengthening already existing mid- or high-voltage connections. At the moment, the fee is 57€/kW.


 P is the wattage of the connection (kW)

Small-scale production connections

For production facilities under 2 MVA, the price will be determined by the costs of building the part of the distribution network and the installations that serve only the facility in question. A connection fee is based on the low-voltage connection prices.

For facilities larger than 2MVA, the pricing will follow the standard high-voltage pricing.

Minor locations

For minor locations (such as antenna amplifier cabinets) there is no connection fee. The price is determined by the final installation costs. Measurement is not needed in these locations, instead, the use of electricity is charged according to an annual consumption estimation.

Other conditions

Connection fees include VAT and are transferable according to the general connection terms.

A connection fee is nonrefundable after the contract has ended.

A connection fee does not include the part of the connection cable on the customer’s property, but other possible installations and improvements to the distribution network are included. The fee also includes one set of measurement equipment matching the delivery product.

Other terms can be found in General Terms of Connections (LE) 05.

New Connections to the low-voltage network

City zoning area

The connection fee is determined by the main fuses used in the connection (D1).

Outside the city zoning area

For 3x25A – 3x100A connections, the fee is determined by the D2 column in the price list above. The precondition is that the connection is within 600m from the closest transformer. In other cases, the price will be determined by the final building and installation costs (However, the minimum price is determined by the D2 fuse prices). In connections over 3x100A, the price will be determined by the building and installation costs (However, the minimum price is determined by the D1 fuse prices).

Building a low-voltage connection

Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd defines the technical requirements of the connection cable and the point of connection. The point of connection is usually connected to the cable network via distribution box connectors. For 3x25A and 3x35A main fuses, the connection point is at the property line. For overhead lines, the connection point is at the closest overhead line pilar.

The customer is obliged to install the connection cable between the property’s main fuses and the connection point at their own expense. The maintenance of this cable also belongs to them. The customer can also send a request for a quote for the installation of the connection cable from Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd.

The electrical contractor installs the connection cable to the main electrical board.The contractor will also order the final connection and metering from Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd by delivering a General information form to the company (the form can be found from Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd’s website). The general information form should be delivered 7 days before the delivery of electricity is requested to begin. The company will charge an installation fee for the final connection.

For all meter changes and measurement changes requested by the customer later on, a separate service fee will be changed according to the service prices.


City zoning area

When an low-voltage connection is upgraded, an upgrading fee will be charged based on the difference in prices between the old and the upgraded fuses (D1 price list). In addition, the customer will be charged for all costs resulting from the installation of the new connection cable to the electrical main board.

For high-voltage connections, a fee based on the increase of power and possible changes to the connection is charged.

Areas outside the city zoning area

When the connection is upgraded (up to 3x100A), the customer will be charged the price difference of the fuses (according to D2 price list), and all costs resulting from the installation of the new connection cable to the electrical main board.

When the connection is upgraded to above 3x100A, the free is determined by the final installation costs. The customer is always liable for the costs of installing a new connection cable to the main electrical board.

If the connection is downgraded, the previously paid connection fee is nonrefundable.


If the customer wants to maintain the connection and the connection contract even though there is no electricity consumption (no active measurements), they will be charged a separate maintenance fee. The amount of the fee is determined by the difference between the standard fee and the measurement fee (maximum of 3x160A).


Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd’s delivery prices from 1.1.2018 onwards

Choosing the transfer product: All transfer products can be chosen freely.
You can change the transfer product after you’ve been using it for one year.

Standard transfer
Fuse A  Standard fee
   VAT 0%   VAT 24%
 €/month  €/month
 1 x 25 A and 1 x 35 A   6,50 8,05
 3 x 25 A 11,31 14,03
 3 x 35 A 15,80 19,60
 3 x 50 A 21,61 26,80
 3 x 63 A 29,80 36,96
 3 x 80 A 56,08 69,55
 3 x 100 A 66,83 82,88
 3 x 125 A *No new customers 86,93 107,80
 3 x 160 A *No new customers 104,97 130,16
 Energy fee  cents/kWh – Continuous  3,01  3,74


Time transfer
Fuse A Standard fee
VAT 0%   VAT24%
 €/month  €/month
 1 x 35 A and 3 x 25 A  17,30 21,46
 3 x 35 A 25,08 31,11
 3 x 50 A 39,08 48,47
 3 x 63 A 49,85 61,82
 3 x 80 A 91,20 113,09
 3 x 100 A 117,00 145,07
 3 x 125 A *No new customers 150,19 186,24
 3 x 160 A *No new customers 192,15 238,26
 Time transfer Energy fee cents/kWh – Day 2,91 3,61
 Time transfer Energy fee cents/kWh – Night 1,43 1,78

  Daytime is Mon-Sun 7am-10pm, night-time 10pm-7am.
Winter day (Mon-Sat) 1.11.-31.3. between 7am and 10pm, other time 1.4.-31.10. +
1.11.-31.3. from 10pm to 7am and Sundays.
The clocks are always running on winter time.


Seasonal transfer
Fuse A  Standard fee
 VAT 0%  VAT 24%
 €/month  €/month
 1 x 35 A and 3 x 25 A 17,74 22,00
 3 x 35 A 24,67 30,59
 3 x 50 A 39,10 48,49
 3 x 63 A 49,85 61,82
 3 x 80 A 91,20 113,09
 3 x 100 A 119,32 147,96
 3 x 125 A *No new customers 150,71 186,89
 3 x 160 A *No new customers 193,02 239,35
 Seasonal transfer Energy fees cents/kWh – Winter day (Mon-Sat) 4,01 4,98
Seasonal transfer Energy fees cents/kWh – Other time 1,49 1,85

Winter day (Mon-Sat) 1.11-31.3 7am-10pm, other time 1.4-31.10m + and
1.11-31.3 between 10pm and 7am and Sundays.
The clocks are always running on winter time.


Electricity taxes 1.1.2015 onwards
  VAT 0% VAT 24%
  cents/kWh cents/kWh
 Tax group I   2,253 2,773
 Tax group 2   0,703 0,872

In addition to the electricity fees, a valid electricity tax will be charged.

All electricity users are divided into two tax groups:

  • Domestic and agricultural households, services and public consumption (Tax group I)
  • Industry and professional greenhouse cultivation (Tax group II)

All consumers are automatically put into tax group I, unless they have otherwise informed. A customer is eligible for tac group II, if the property has industrial or professional greenhouse cultivation activity. Written proof of the activity must be delivered to Forssan Verkkopalvelut Ltd.


 Low-voltage transfer
  VAT 0% VAT 24%
 Standard fee €/month 43,85 54,38
 Wattage fee €/kW, month 2,57 3,19
 Energy fee  cents/kWh
– Winter day
– Winter night
– Summer day
– Summer night
 Reactive power, input €/kvar, month 3,80 4,71
 Reactive power, output €/kvar, month 6,05 7,50

Winter is during 1.11.-31.3.
Daytime is between 7am and 10pm

Delivery with 0,4 kV voltage.
Power fee is determined by the average of two months’ peak measurements.
Reactive power fee is determined by the highest measurement of each month, minus 20% of the same month’s electric power peak.


 High-voltage transfers
  VAT 0% VAT 24%
Standard fee €/month 385,00 477,40
 Wattage fee €/kW, month 2,30  2,86
 Energy fees cents/kWh
– Winter days (Mon-Sat)
– Winter nights + Sundays
– Summer days (Mon-Sat)
– Summer nights + Sundays
 Reactive power input, €/kvar, month 3,97 4,92
 Reactive power output, €/kvar, month 6,05 7,50

Winter is during 1.11.-31.3.
Daytime is between 7am and 10pm

Delivery with 20kV voltage.

The customer owns the necessary transformers and is responsible for their use.
Power fee is determined by the average of two months’ peak measurements.
Reactive power fee is determined by the highest measurement of each month, minus 20% of the same month’s electric power peak.

Note: The English translations are meant to support the Finnish website. In all conflict situations, the Finnish website and its content are primary.